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What is the first thing that went through your head when you went skydiving?



Yesterday, I spoke about what skydiving feels like because it’s a pretty common question. Today, I figured I’d go about another quite common question I get…

What is the first thing that you thought when you went skydiving?

Well, the truth is, it’s the same thing that went through my head when I went bungee jumping… I though to myself “Why do I always put myself through these things?”
I don’t mean to say that it was a bad though, simply a confused one, I wondered to myself why it is that I always participate in adrenaline sports, what attracts me to them. Why do I feel the need to do them.

For me, it’s pretty simple. Without even discussing the whole psychological aspect to it, I’m an adrenaline junky. My common sense often tells me that these things may not be a good idea, but then once I get a feel of them, I simply go through with it. Never have I regretted listening to my adventurous side…. Ok, maybe once in Spain when I got hit by a truck, but aside from that, I’ve never regretted it.


What goes through your mind when you’re about to do something “crazy”?

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