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My 100th jump.



Ever since I started skydiving, I wanted to become a CReW dog… I used to love watching them fly and I visioned myself as one of them flying through the skies.
As recently as 3 months ago, I had signed up for a CReW camp at Parachutisme Atmosphair, but was denied by the instructor as I wasn’t experienced enough for his comfort. I took the refusal in stride and kept my head up as I knew I would be able to try it at some point soon.

For quite some time, I had been speaking to Nicolas Huard, one of the DZOs at Parachutisme Voltige about doing it as it is the best DZ in my area to learn it and he himself is a CReW dog =D. You should have seen the look in his eye and the eyes of all the other instructors at the DZ when I said that I wanted to learn. I got high fives all around and nothing but smiles… I knew I was in for the time of my life.


The day had come, I was 3 jumps away from my 100th, the skies were cloudy, but had many blue holes, so I took the risk and ventured to the DZ (which is about an hour and a half drive from my place). I figured, I can’t jump if I’m not at the DZ, so I’m going. “Jump or no jump, I’ll be there!” I said to myself.

I got to the DZ at 9:30 am, the first load had gone in the air, an hour later than planned as the skies were quite cloudy by now. My hopes were shattered for the moment, as it was clear enough to skydive, but not enough for CReW (For those of you who don’t know what CReW is, it stands for Canopy Relative Work. Basically, canopy formations). So I kept on waiting, and waiting, and waiting. 4 hours had passed, and I was still waiting, so I decided “what the hell” I’m gonna go get some skydiving done, this isn’t going to be a wasted day! I decided to work on my freeflying. I asked Philippe Thibodeau (the local freefly skygod) for some tips, and I get in the air to work on my sit flying. My new Deepseed Vyper hadn’t arrived yet, so I wore one of the school’s jumpsuits. Needless to say, I had fun flying, but I wasn’t very stable haha. 😀

After a couple of attempts at freeflying, I grounded myself. I wasn’t going to pass 100 doing practice, that’s for sure! This IS a special jump after all.

Come 5 pm, things are looking dire. The DZ is in full swing, tandems everywhere, load after load of tandems go up, Nicolas was replacing one of the tandem masters who hadn’t made it in to work that day. I was starting to feel the disappointment getting to me as I felt that jump slipping away (Especially since next weekend, I’ll be at the Tokaya Chicks Boogie, and I know I’ll be jumping there… Although, a 100th jump with a bunch of skydive chicks would be fun, the idea didn’t mean as much to me as a CReW jump did… Is there something wrong with me?)

At 6:30 I look to the sky and there’s not a cloud in sight… Perfect for a CReW jump!!! But the last 2 loads are already manifested and I’m not on them… And to make matters worse: Nicolas is still set as a tandem master!!! My hopes are shattered, at this point, I figure, I might as well just stick around and have a few beers with everyone before heading home, someone else surely paid for some for some reason or another haha.


Mario comes to save the day! No! Not this mario!



Mario is another one of the DZOs, he pulled me to the side and said “I’m not going to let the tandems get in the way of your 100th, I’m going to replace Nicolas on the last load so you can do your jump!”

The shine returned to my eyes, my smile instantly appeared! Mario had made my day! Nicolas brought me to the side to start the briefing:

Ok, I absolutely HAD to post this picture as we look like complete tools but I find it quite funny!


After the briefing, we headed to the plane to get things rolling.

We started off with Simond exiting and popping, I was to wait 2 seconds then jump and pop 3 seconds after then Nicolas to follow me.

As you can see, Nicolas and I are fairly far after only a couple of seconds delay.


Now, explaining the rest of the jump would take ages as it lasted a good 8-10 minutes. So here’s a video that Simond filmed.




Overall, this was THE BEST time I have ever had skydiving. I have now found my 2 passions in the sport. Big ways and CReW. I spoke to Nicolas about starting coaching to learn it and practice more and more, he said he’d be very happy to teach me, so I’m hoping that by this time next year, I’ll have a bit more experience on my belt. And don’t worry, you’ll all get to read about it!


I want to thank Nicolas Huard and Simond Gingras for being a part of my 100th jump and helping make it a reality. I also want to thank Mario for having thought of me and helped make it possible. And I would like to thank Voltige 2001 for being my home DZ and a great overall place to have fun!


Saturday, I’ll be heading to the Tokaya Chick’s Boogie, so keep your eyes open for my next article!

Till then, blue skies everyone!






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The moment has finally come… (Version Fr en dessous)





…for me to post the interview of Rise N Shine!

But first, I’d like to wish Lance the best of luck with his move to Florida as it’s not only half way across the world, it’s also a HUGE change of way of life and a totally different culture. Hat’s off to you Lance!


So a couple of weeks back, I had the opportunity to sit down with and interview two skydivers who have mentored other skydivers, spent plenty of time fun jumping, one even started a business and all the while, they managed to win the Canadian nationals for Artistic Freeflying.

Bruno and Olga are the two “faces” of Rise N Shine. I say faces as they are the two who are seen on camera, however as we’re about to learn, Artistic FF is a whole different ballgame. The camera person is considered a part of the team and so (s)he has an effect on the final score the team tallies.

Here’s a video of one of their competitions:



Adam: So can you guys tell me, what exactly is the difference between Artistic Freeflying and VFS (Vertical Formation Skydiving)?

Bruno: Artistic freeflying encompasses all the positions that are involved in skydiving, be it sitfly, head up, head down, back flying, belly flying, whereas VFS is usually head down or sit flying and is usually a 4 person team. In VFS you aim to get the most points by doing predefined figures in the sky. In Artistic, you are scored for the quality of your presentation. The person filming is just as important as the people flying in front of the camera. You have to implicate the person in your show. You are also ranked on the difficulty of the moves you attempt.

Olga: You’re putting on a show for the people watching the video.


Adam: Sort of like figure skating?

Olga: Yes, but in freefall.


Adam: So how did you two meet? It seems like you really have to know your partner well to perform well in Artistic Freefly

Olga: We were both part of the first group of instructors at SkyVenture Montreal. Because we were hired before the tunnel even opened, we flew to San Francisco to be trained

Bruno: We had been working together for two years before we decided to form a team.


Adam: Why Artistic freefly? Why not VFS or RW?

Bruno: Olga has had a lot more experience than I did. She’s been in many competitions and had already done some Artistic Freefly before.


Adam: What was the progression for Rise N Shine? I’m sure you didn’t just look at each other on the day of a tournament and say “Let’s make a team for today”

Bruno: Well, we started together in 2009. In 2010 the team was started. In 2011 we won the nationals. And now we’re here, preparing to go to the Worlds in Dubai in December.


Adam: How long have you two been skydiving?

Olga: My first couple of skydives were in 2003 in Russia, which were done with the round military parachutes. Then I moved to Canada in 2004, so by the time I was able to get myself organized and get around to doing my PFF it was 2005.

Bruno: I started in 1999, but I had a much slower progression, I was mostly just doing fun jumps here and there, I wasn’t paying much attention to competing, to me the sport was for fun. The motivating factor was when I got my job at SkyVenture. I realized that I was enjoying improving my skills constantly. Once I met Olga, she coached me and my skills exponentially improved. Competition was a way for us to set an objective for ourselves.

Olga: It’s a goal that we set for ourselves which had a deadline so we had no choice but to be ready by then.


Adam: I’m sure you’ve heard this a lot, but why do you skydive and why compete?

Olga: We do this because it helps us push new skydivers to try the sport and, more specifically, to Artistic Freefly. This discipline is relatively small in Canada, compared to the United States and Europe.

Bruno: Our primary activity is to compete, but also to Coach. It allows us to share our passions while hoping to bring more people to competitions. And hopefully have more friends to play with in the sky.


Adam: What competitions have you participated in? Aside of course from the SkyVenture competition a few weeks back.

Bruno: In total, we’ve participated in two tunnel competitions and the nationals once. But 2011 was mostly a team planning year where we built our strategy and formed the team properly. Before competition, there’s a lot of mental preparation, which takes a while to develop. We alsoneeded to make our preparation for the competitions efficient and effective.

Olga: We’re definitely more efficient now.

Bruno: We took 1st place in the 2011 nationals, which allows us to go to the Worlds in Dubai in December 2012. As part of our preparation for the 2012 Worlds, we’re also going to the US nationals in November.

Olga: With 2011’s experience we can much better prepare ourselves for competitions.


Adam: How exactly do you compete by the way?

Olga: An Artistic Freefly competition consists of seven rounds. Typically, those 7 rounds comprise of 5 rounds of open routines where the team is free to do anything they want as long as the routine, submitted to the judges is followed. Most teams will do the same routine 5 times over because it’s easier to learn one routine than it is to learn 5 different ones. Those 5 rounds are judged on the difficulty, the esthetics and the execution of the routine. There is a grid that the judges use to figure out how many points of difficulty they can attribute for the move that is done.

Bruno: The other two rounds of the competition are a bit different. You can still do whatever you like in it, but the judges set four elements to the routine that must all appear in the routine.


Adam: So basically if they ask for a back flip where Olga flips around you, and a barrel roll, you can do a barrel roll, then switch to head down and circle around each other, then do the flip thing?

Bruno: Yes.  But you have to keep in mind the difficulty grid. If the team chooses to do something very difficult and has sloppy execution of the move, they will end up with a lower score than a team who chooses a simpler routine and does it perfectly.


Adam: What’s your mission exactly?

Bruno: Our mission as a team is to train ourselves, to compete and win of course. But it’s also truly about making Artistic Freefly popular.


Adam: I can see a LOT of logos on your jumpsuits, who are your main sponsors?

Parachutisme Voltige
SkyVenture Montréal
Frankais suits
Unites Parachute Technologies
Performance Designs
Cookie Composites
Float4 Interactive
Oberfeld Snowcap

Olga: Parachutisme Voltige and SkyVenture are two of our main supporters. They are directly involved in our training.

Below, a picture of Olga and Bruno sporting their sweet Frankais jumpsuits and cookie helmets (Design on the helmet by Brainshell)
(Yes, I’m aware that I’m the worst photographer ever and my shadow is in the picture haha!)


Adam: So you two mentioned that the cameraman is a part of the team, who is your cameraman?

Bruno: Last year we worked with Philippe Thibodeau, who acted as a cameraman and who played a very important role in launching the team. Today, our cameraman is Richard Guilbault. Philippe remains highly involved as a coach.


I’d like to thank Rise N Shine for taking the time to sit with me. Bruno and Philippe have both taken the time to coach me in the past and Phil even taught Geneviùve (My girlfriend and photographer) to sitfly.

If ever you’re around SkyVenture and want to learn from some top level skydivers, give them a shout, they’re always happy to teach!


They can be found on:



And the Rise N Shine webpage

And of course, if ever you want to see them fly, just head to Voltige in Joliette Quebec on any given weekend, you’ve got great chances of being on a load with them!


Blue skies everyone!





Le moment est finalement arrivé 

 pour que je vous parle de l’entrevue de Rise N Shine!


Mais avant tout, j’aimerais souhaiter Ă  Lance le meilleur dans son dĂ©mĂ©nagement en Floride car ce n’est pas seulement un dĂ©mĂ©nagement Ă  l’autre bout du monde, c’est aussi un changement ÉNORME de mode de vie et une culture complĂštement diffĂ©rente. Chapeau Lance, chapeau.


Donc il y a quelques semaines, j’ai eu l’opportunitĂ© de m’asseoir et faire un entrevue avec deux parachutistes qui ont Ă©tĂ©s des mentors, ont eu pleins d’opportunitĂ©s Ă  faire des fun jumps, un d’entre eux Ă  mĂȘme parti une entreprise et tout cela en mĂȘme temps qu’ils Ă©taient en train de s’entrainer et mĂȘme GAGNER les nationaux Canadiens de Freefly Artistique.

Bruno et Olga sont les deux “faces” de Rise N Shine. Je dis faces car ils sont les deux qui sont vus sur la camĂ©ra. Par contre, comme nous allons bientĂŽt apprendre, le Freefly Artistique est un jeu complĂštement diffĂ©rent. Le camĂ©raman est considĂ©rĂ© une partie de l’équipe donc il/elle a un effet sur le pointage final de l’équipe.


(Plus haut, vous pouvez voir un video d’un de leurs competitions.)


Adam: Pouvez vous me dire quel est la différence entre le Freefly Artistique et le VRV (Vol Relatif Vertical)?

Bruno: Le Freefly Artistique inclus toutes les positions qui font partie du skydive soit le sitfly, head up, head down, back fly ou belly fly tandis qu’en VRV c’est plus souvent du head down ou du sit et d’habitude, c’est une Ă©quipe de 4 personnes. En VRV l’équipe vise d’avoir le plus de points possible en faisant plusieurs figures prĂ©dĂ©terminĂ©s dans le ciel. En artistique,  l’équipe est mesurĂ© pour la qualitĂ© de leur prĂ©sentation. La personne qui est en train de filmer est aussi important que les personnes qui volent en avant de la camĂ©ra. On doit impliquer la personne dans le “show”. Vous ĂȘtes aussi notĂ© sur la difficultĂ© des manƓuvres que vous tentez.

Olga: Tu es en train de faire une piÚce pour la personne qui regarde la vidéo.


Adam: Un peu comme le patinage artistique?

Olga: Oui, mais en chute libre.


Adam: Comment avez-vous rencontrĂ© l’un l’autre? Il me semble qu’il faut vraiment bien connaĂźtre ton partenaire pour pouvoir bien performer en Freefly Artistique.

Olga: Nous avons tous les deux fait partie de la premiĂšre Ă©quipe d’instructeurs au SkyVenture MontrĂ©al. Étant donnĂ© que nous Ă©tions engagĂ©s pour le tunnel avant l’ouverture, on est allĂ© au San Francisco pour faire notre formation.

Bruno: Nous avons travaillé ensemble pendant deux ans avant de décider de former une équipe.


Adam: Et pourquoi le Freefly Artistique? Pourquoi pas le VRV ou le VR?

Bruno: Olga avait beaucoup plus d’expĂ©rience que moi.  Elle Ă  participĂ© dans plusieurs compĂ©titions et elle avait dĂ©jĂ  fait un peu de Freefly Artistique.


Adam: Comment s’est passĂ© la progression de Rise N Shine? Je suis certain que vous ne vous ĂȘtes pas simplement regardĂ© le jour d’un tournoi et pensĂ© “On va faire un Ă©quipe aujourd’hui”.

Bruno: Au faite, nous avons commencĂ© ensemble en 2009. En 2010, l’équipe Ă  Ă©tĂ© formĂ©. En 2011, nous avons gagnĂ© les nationaux Canadiens. Et maintenant, nous sommes lĂ  en train de se prĂ©parer pour aller aux Mondiaux Ă  Dubai en DĂ©cembre.


Adam: Depuis combien de temps faites-vous du parachute?

Olga: Mes premiers sauts Ă©taient en Russie en 2003. Ils se trouvaient Ă  ĂȘtre avec des parachutes ronds  militaires. AprĂšs cela, j’ai dĂ©mĂ©nagĂ© au Canada en 2004, et jusqu’à ce que je me suis organisĂ© et finalement eu l’opportunitĂ© de faire mon cours PAC il Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  2005.

Bruno: J’ai commencĂ© en 1999, mais j’ai eu une progression beaucoup plus lente. La plupart du temps, je faisais des fun jumps ici et lĂ . Je ne portais pas trop d’attention Ă  faire des compĂ©titions. Pour moi, le parachute Ă©tait pour m’amuser. Le facteur motivant arriva lorsque j’ai eu mon emploi au SkyVenture. J’ai realisĂ© que j’aimais amĂ©liorer mes habilitĂ©s constamment. Lorsque j’ai rencontrĂ© Olga, elle m’a coachĂ© et mes habilitĂ©s se sont amĂ©liorĂ©s exponentiellement. Les compĂ©titions Ă©taient une façon pour nous d’avoir un objectif fixe pour nous-mĂȘmes.

Olga: C’était un but que nous nous sommes donnĂ© qui avait une date fixe donc nous n’avions pas de choix sauf d’ĂȘtre prĂȘt pour ce moment lĂ .

Adam: Je suis certain que vous entendez ceci souvent, mais pourquoi faites vous le parachute et encore plus, pourquoi participer dans des compétitions?

Olga: On le fait car c’est une façon qui nous aide Ă  pousser d’autres parachutistes Ă  essayer le sport et plus spĂ©cifiquement Ă  essayer le Freefly Artistique. Le sport est relativement inconnu au Canada comparĂ© l’Europe et aux États-Unis.

Bruno: Notre activitĂ© principale est de participer Ă  des compĂ©titions mais aussi de Coacher. Cela nous permet de partager nos passions et espĂ©rer d’amener plus de gens aux tournois. Et bien sur pour avoir plus d’amis avec qui jouer dans le ciel.


Adam: Dans quelles compétitions avez-vous participé? Mis à part bien sur celui de SkyVenture il y a quelques semaines.

Bruno: Au total, nous avions participĂ© Ă  deux compĂ©titions de tunnel et une fois aux Nationaux. Mais 2011 Ă©tait pas mal un an de planification ou nous avons prĂ©parĂ© notre stratĂ©gie et formĂ© l’équipe correctement. Avant une compĂ©tition, il y a beaucoup de prĂ©parations mentales qui prends Ă©normĂ©ment de temps Ă  dĂ©velopper. Nous avions aussi eu besoin de rendre nos prĂ©paratifs plus efficaces et effectifs.

Olga: Nous sommes définitivement plus efficaces maintenant.

Bruno: Nous avons pris la 1Ăšre place dans les Nationaux en 2011 qui nous permet d’aller aux Mondiaux Ă  Dubai en DĂ©cembre 2012. Comme prĂ©paratif pour les Mondiaux, nous sommes aussi enregistrĂ©s pour participer aux Nationaux AmĂ©ricains en Novembre.

Olga: Avec nos expériences de 2011, nous pourrons nous serons beaucoup mieux préparés pour les compétitions dans le futur.


Adam: Et comment exactement se déroule un tournoi de Freefly Artistique?

Olga: Un tournoi consiste de sept rondes. Typiquement, les sept rondes sont comprises de cinq rondes de routines ouvertes ou l’équipe est libre de faire n’importe quoi tant que la routine qui Ă  Ă©tĂ© soumise aux juges Ă  Ă©tĂ© suivi. La plupart des Ă©quipes font la mĂȘme routine cinq fois de suite car c’est plus facile d’apprendre une routine qu’il est d’en apprendre cinq diffĂ©rentes. Ces cinq rondes sont jugĂ©es par leur difficultĂ©, l’esthĂ©tique et l’exĂ©cution de la routine. Il y a un barĂšme que les juges utilisent pour dĂ©cider combien de points qu’ils peuvent attribuer Ă  leurs mouvements.

Bruno: Les deux autres rondes de compĂ©tition sont un peu diffĂ©rentes. L’équipe est encore libre de faire ce qu’ils veulent pendant la routine, mais les juges mettent quatre Ă©lĂ©ments qui doivent tous absolument apparaĂźtre dans la routine.


Adam: Donc pour simplifier, si ils demandent un salto arriùre ou Olga fais son salto au dessus de toi, et un tonneau, tu peux faire un tonneau, par la suite, faire un switch et faire du head down et faire le tour l’un de l’autre et aprùs faire le salto?

Bruno: Oui, mais tu dois garder en tĂȘte qu’il y a encore l’histoire du barĂšme de difficultĂ©. Si l’équipe choisis de faire quelque chose de trĂšs difficile et l’exĂ©cute mal, ils auront un pointage moins Ă©levĂ© qu’une Ă©quipe qui Ă  choisi une routine plus simple et l’ont exĂ©cutĂ© parfaitement.


Adam: Quel est vĂŽtre mission exactement?

Bruno: Notre mission comme Ă©quipe est de nous entrainer, de faire des compĂ©titions et bien sur de gagner. Mais avant tout, il est aussi d’aider Ă  rendre le Freefly Artistique plus populaire.


Adam: Je vois beaucoup de logos sur vos jumpsuits, qui sont vos commanditaires principaux?

Parachutisme Voltige
SkyVenture Montréal
Frankais suits
Unites Parachute Technologies
Performance Designs
Cookie Composites
Float4 Interactive
Oberfeld Snowcap

Olga: Parachutisme Voltige et SkyVenture sont deux de nos commanditaires principaux. Ils sont directement liés à notre entrainement.


Ci dessous, une photo de Olga et Bruno portant leurs Jumpsuits Frankais et leurs casques Cookie (Le design est fait par Brainshell)
(Oui, je sais que je suis un photographe horrible et qu’il y a mon ombre dans la photo haha!)


Adam: Vous avez mentionnĂ© que le camĂ©raman fait partie de l’équipe. Qui exactement est votre camĂ©raman?

Bruno: L’annĂ©e derniĂšre nous avons travaillĂ© avec Philippe Thibodeau qui Ă  agi comme camĂ©raman et Ă  jouĂ© un rĂŽle trĂšs important dans le lancement de l’équipe. Aujourd’hui, nĂŽtre camĂ©raman est Richard Guilbault. Philippe reste trĂšs impliquĂ© comme coach.


Bruno: Artistic is less accessible at first as it’s much harder and needs more training, but once you learn it, it permits you much more than belly flying ever could.

J’aimerais remercier Rise N Shine pour avoir pris le temps de vous asseoir avec moi. Bruno et Philippe ont tous les deux pris le temps de me coacher dans le passĂ© et Philippe Ă  mĂȘme entrainĂ© GeneviĂšve (Ma copine et photographe) Ă  faire du sitfly.

Si jamais vous ĂȘtes au SkyVenture MontrĂ©al et vous voulez apprendre quelque chose de quelques parachutistes de haute niveau, demandez les, ils sont toujours heureux d’enseigner!


Vous pouvez les trouver sur:



Le site web Rise N Shine

Bien sur, si vous voulez les voir voler, allez simplement faire un tour Ă  Voltige Ă  Joliette, QuĂ©bec une fin de semaine, vous aurez de bonnes chances d’ĂȘtre sur un load avec eux!


Blue skies tout le monde!




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So this weekend had some amazing weather!

Went to Voltige Saturday night with my girlfriends, had a few beers by the campfire, crashed in a buddy’s trailer on the table we were 8 or 9 people sleeping there haha!

So come Sunday morning, the day began with a 14 way that I woke up too late to participate in, but I got to watch from the ground. Only 2 or 3 people made it back and Skygod bless them for taking it upon themselves to figure out the winds and walk the 2 miles back so that we don’t have to lol!


My day started off with a 5 way that involved my girlfriend and 3 others. We planned to do “Doughnut, star – right, doughnut, star-left then caterpillar (for those of you who don’t understand that, it’s basically the names of the formations we did, doughnut is a circle, star is when people turn in that direction and caterpillar is basically where people are a zig zag in the sky).


The exit went to hell but we managed to recover it and got our 1st point done however, on the 1st star attempt, I lost altitude and couldn’t catch up in time. On the landing, I tried practicing lower altitude turns (still at about 300 feet) to be able to get some speed and work on my control. The landing went smoothly and I got a fairly nice swoop out of it.

As soon as I landed however, I was rushed to catch my “taxi” (a pick-up truck waiting for me) to get back on the plane as I was informed that I was going to fly with two friends of mine who were on a tandem on the next load. The load was supposed to be one later, but got pushed up. Needless to say, I was rushing like hell and the plane was waiting for me at the end of the runway. At this point, I noticed a huge crack in the visor of my factory diver. =( So I unfortunately had to order a new one.

I was the only non tandem skydiver on the plane, so I decided to myself that I’d do a high altitude opening (10 000 feet) and work on my canopy flying skills. I also got to push everyone out of the way while creeping to the back of the plane haha!

I was working on my front riser controls during this flight, got myself kind of dizzy though and nearly puked inside my now “broken visor” helmet. Wasn’t fun, but I kinda laughed to myself for my weak stomach.
Come time to land, I did the same thing as the last jump, but went out slightly farther so I’d have more room. But this time, I noticed something…. There was no wind in my face… Instead of slowing down, I just kept moving forward farther and farther until I was about 20 feet from the picnic tables… Evasive maneuver time! I flared early, ended up stalling at about 7 feet in the air and landed on my knees about 5 feet from the crowd of people who were all cheering… Why were they cheering you ask? Not because I didn’t hit them… But because I had passed the beer line and I now owed a case of beer.

The tandem masters all came and thanked me, and all day I kept being reminded about how I owed beer haha!

I still owe that beer and I plan on bringing it to Voltige in a few weeks when I go back to do my 100th jump with Nicolas Huard (One of the DZOs) who will be taking me on my 1st CRW jump.

I’m stoked as hell!

I’ll be in Victoriaville this weekend, hopefully back at the DZ if the weather permits, so I’ll have a new post for you guys then and possibly a surprise or two before hand.


Blue ones in the meantime everyone!



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Voltige this coming weekend!

So last weekend I got to head out to Voltige for a few hours with a few people who wanted to try out a tandem. Being at a DZ I obviously couldn’t just go and not jump, budget being slightly limited, I only did two. I got an 8 way track jump done (where i lost the group and ended up about 300 feet above everyone) and  5 way spider (I was the left arm).


This weekend I’m heading back there with my girlfriend and a couple of friends of mine who want to try out a jump and I’ve got some extra spare funds, so it’s looking like fun times ahead!

The weather’s going to be slightly cloudy though, so we’ll see how things pan out. More to come!


Blue skies everyone!



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An inspiring story.

So my friend Manon is a great writer. Her boyfriend Luc is a skydiver and he introduced her to the sport a short while ago.

This is her story:

Homage to my man

Written by: Manon Corbeil
Translated by: Adam A

Well, well! Those of you who know me know quite well that sometimes I need to write to clear my mind…

My new friends however, don’t know this about me… Tonight, It’s to them that I dedicate this as I feel like I’m about to explode and it just has to come out!!

And who’s responsible this time?

Yep… Again him… I already owe him so much from the last three years…

How did it start you ask?

The birds… That passion developed itself very early during my adolescence when I lived in the beautiful town of Dorval. A classmate pointed out that in Dorval we could easily identify over 200 different species of birds… I figured he was lying until one day I actually started paying attention to those same birds! To their singing, their silhouettes, the way they fly… Their actions.. With time I managed to recognize and even identify them with ease and also, as incredible as it may seem. I managed to feel exactly what those birds feel during flight!

I hear you all saying: “She’s fucked in the head!”  Uhhh yeah, I admit it, I must be and I won’t hide it. I do however remain convinced that I was a bird in another life – Most probably an eagle – I’m very happy to believe this.
I was always comfortable with the idea that I was a bird in my past life and I never had any difficulty accepting the fact that my present life was to be that of a human and that flight was impossible…Therefore, the desire to find myself as free as the wind between the earth and the sky was always quite present deep down inside of me and I must admit that I was extremely pulled towards hang gliding at a certain point in my life.
Circumstances and obligations of day to day life often have the unwanted effect of pushing our dreams aside, until one day we finally convince ourselves that these dreams are to remain dreams and that desire ends up becoming nothing but fantasy… An unfulfilled fantasy. With the years that pass we finally tell ourselves that these dreams or fantasies are simply “not for us” and we find all the good reasons to finally reject the idea and simply scrapping all those dreams that never became a reality…
It’s crazy how our perspectives can change from that moment when we decide that things are “accessible”!In my case, I only needed one person to convince me so!! That everything is possible!!! That as long as the desire is there, anything is possible!!!
This same person convinced me, more often than I’ve had to convince him and for multiple reasons, that we can. That if we simply want it enough, we can accomplish all of our desires!!
How can I even begin to show how much I appreciate this person? I pump all the love that I am able to find inside of my heart out and give it entirely to this person, because he is mine and I love him deeply with a love in it’s realest and purest form.

Where was I? Oh yeah… Flying… Like a bird…

My man… He’s a skydiver. He’s been one for a long time, and for reasons that differ from my own but have just as deep an effect, he found himself obligated at a certain point in his life to put this passion of his aside…
It was only in August 2010 that he had the initiative to give me a thank you gift – for helping him with some difficult renovations – that gift was the gift of a tandem skydive at Voltige.

A dream, that dream, the one that I had pushed away deep down inside me and closed beneath a bunch of different experiences finally came back to surface! I was given the chance to FLY!!! Me? I couldn’t believe it!
But… That day… I felt… I savored… I flew.. The sky!!! It was…. magical! Extraordinary!! A sensation that I can’t even begin to describe… You have to live it to understand it!
But then the days passed… Then the months… Winter arrived… I finally came back to earth..
Come spring 2011, he’s in need. His vital urge to “jump”… I can’t comprehend it…
I decided to accompany him during one of his days at the drop zone… And then… That was it! A mechanism went off inside of me… I want to “understand” I want to “live it”!
But, I remained silent for weeks because deep down inside of me “it’s just not for me”… Then one day, it just turned off… And I repeated to myself:It’s crazy how our perspectives can change from that moment when we decide that things are “accessible”!I want to become a skydiver! It’s finally clear! I’m 43 years old and I don’t care!
August 18th: I started my wind tunnel training with Philippe.August 20th: I was doing my theory school with the marvelous Gina. I had the intention of doing my first jumps the same day… Unfortunately, it was too windy and I had to wait until August 27th for that to happen.

4 jumps in the same day! All accompanied by my mentor Gina!
Those 4 jumps were incredibly meaningful to me… I accomplished a dream… I felt like I had achieved a step towards being myself, way farther then I had ever thought. Never would I have believed that I could do 4 jumps in the same day! I succeeded at them all on top of that!

Gina knew how to take care of me regardless of how fearful she knew I was. She knew how to convince me that I could do it, she knew just the right words to say.. I owe her enormously! Surely I was a huge challenge for her! Bravo and thank you Gina!

Then came Richard’s turn to accompany me in the sky for a jump. It was cloudy, but we decided to go anyway. It was a beautiful jump… Beautiful until the moment I was to open my parachute…. A little moment of panic in my eyes, I couldn’t find the pilot chute handle…. Richard saw it in my eyes and quickly came to my rescue. Thankfully, I managed to find the handle… Phew!

Next came my first solo jump… I absolutely needed to do it the same day as my last accompanied jump because the last one didn’t go too well (stupid pilot chute!) I couldn’t permit myself to make things worse.. Once again, this jump was into the clouds… And regardless of all that happened, I had the joy of experiencing this all alone for the first time in the magnificent sky above Joliette..

A week past between this jump and the next…. Just enough time for that famous fear to ingrain itself inside me again. In my opinion, it will always be present and I will now have to learn to “deal with it”. This time, it was Annie who “kicked my butt” because truthfully, as soon as I got to the drop zone, I didn’t want to jump at all. Just like Gina did, she knew exactly the right words to convince me to jump!

All these solo jumps… What more can I say but: WOW! Pure happiness!

This super long text to finally thank a bunch of great people…

Everyone at Voltige truly is perfect!

Thank you Richard for my Tandem… Thank you Philippe for the wind tunnel… Thank you Gina for… For everything! (You know what I mean) Thank you Mario, Olivier and Daniel for the radio assistance (And the hugs)… Thank you Annie for the kick in the butt and for your inspiration (Your pictures and videos) thank you Dino for being my cameraman during my exam… Thank you Manifest girls for your patience (My millions of calls and all)

Thank you everyone at Voltige! You are amazing! Thank you to all my new skydiver friends!!!

But most of all… Thank you Luc, my man… All this is thanks to you! I love you!
